Monday 20 April 2020

Kayleigh's Crafts - Make Your Own Play Dough


Today we have a great activity that is not only a fun thing to make with your little ones, but also something fun to play with after! Homemade Play Dough!

To make this yourself, have a look at our YouTube video or follow this step-by-step guide.  

You will need:
  • Flour (128g)
  • Salt (64g)
  • Cooking Oil (1tbsp)
  • Water (240ml)
  • Food Colouring (a few drops)

Step 1:

Add your flour, salt, cooking oil and water to a mixing bowl and mix together with a spoon. Stir until you have a doughy consistency. 

If your mixture is too doughy or stringy, slowly add some more water. If your mixture is too watery, slowly add more flour. 

Step 2:

Once your mixture has a nice, doughy texture, start kneading it and mixing with your hands. 

Step 3:

When your dough is ready. Decide how many colours you'd like to make and separate your dough into that many pieces. Roll these pieces into balls and flatten slightly to create a small bowl shape. Add a few drops of food colouring to the centre of each 'bowl' and gently fold the dough around the edges. 

This can get quite messy! If doing this by hand, it might be a good idea to wear gloves! I would recommend putting your dough into a small bowl and mixing your food colouring with a spoon.

Step 4:

Leave the dough for a few minutes with the food colouring to set. If your mixture has become a bit too sticky from the food colouring, add a large pinch of salt and fold into your dough. 

When you're done... 

Have a think of some things you could add to your dough to make it a little bit more fun. How about adding some glitter or some sprinkles? Can you use some stamps to make some patterns?


We would love to see your finished crafts! 

Please share you art with us by using the hashtag:


and by tagging Creative Eye and Norden Farm.


Norden Farm Centre for the Arts is a registered charity, providing access to the arts for the whole community. 

It costs over £600,000 a year to run Norden Farm and your donation will help to keep the work going.

If you are in a position to make a donation and help us remain a vital part of the community, we would be enormously grateful.

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